Fun Kids Room Ideas
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Kids Room Inspiration | Natural Tones Meets Fun
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Autumn Vibes at Home
Autumn season is on and brings us a lot of warm red colors. A true statement color that is strong and bold. The color works well in any type of room, especially the kids room. It gives your room character and cosy vibes. With our Moons Rug in the color brick red, you instantly bring autumn into your kids room. 🍁
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Kids Room Inspiration | Autumn Sunshine
Autumn is one of our favorite seasons. During this season nature comes with such a variety of colors. Tons of inspiration that we can apply into our interiors. Warm autumn colors and a little sunshine shining through our windows are the inspiration for this blog. This kids room inspiration is all about earthy colors with yellow happy notes. Shop de...
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Kids Room Inspiration - Caramel Crush
Nothing more fun than decorating a kid's bedroom. You can let your imagination go wild. The most important thing to keep in mind is to create the perfect balance for playing and sleeping. This time we wanted to create a children's room with the warm color caramel and a subtle touch of pink. Two contrasting colors that work really well together. We choose caramel as the dominant color. A color that...
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Kinderkamer met terracotta kleuren
Bij het kiezen van een kleur voor de kinderkamer kom je in eerste instantie waarschijnlijk niet op de kleur terracotta. Maar vergis je niet! Deze kleur is een opkomende trend en niet alleen in de voor volwassenen. Geen wonder dus dat we terracotta in veel kinderkamers zien opduiken. @maisondeux @madebymowie Terracotta, dat 'gebakken aarde' betekent, is een warme en rijke...
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